
TIRTA is a 19 years old girl living in Indonesia who has an excessive fondness of books (OBVIOUSLY).

She's currently studying English Literature, aspiring to work in a publishing industry and to own a book-cafe business someday. When not reading, she can be found fangirling over KPop-related things, sleeping, conversating with friends, or daydreaming. Her book jams are anything Young Adult with superawesome book boyfriends and a little dash of historical & adult romance every now and then. Girl is trying hard to find balance between her academic life, social life, and blogging life these days. Let's see....

If you want to say hi, DO NOT HESITATE. I promise I won't bite.

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Twitter:  Strrlight // I Prefer Reading
Tumblr: Strrlight // I Prefer Reading


  1. I'm glad to see that we have some similarities, but when I reached the 11th fact, I literally start Laughing Out Loud! I am a big fan of EXO & BIGBANG too! :D

    1. Omg yaaay a fellow reader who likes EXO & Bigbang! Hello! XD


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