May 26, 2013

Quick Recap #1: From Unravel Me until Meant to Be

So. I've just decided to add a new thing. This idea came up to me while blogwalking some other bookblogs and read a confession (Deidra's post here, to be exact) about the amount of books we actually read and the ones we also write the review. For me, there's a big difference! You know how lazy I am to write a proper review... In a week I could manage to finish up to 5-6 books, but I only write 1 book review heheh :D

So this quick recap will sum up about books I've read in a week/more (or books in the past that I haven't review), and I'm gonna review them in some sentences. Thus, no books will be missed or feeling left out and I won't feel guilty anymore!

Ok, we'll start with five books first, this time. The book that I read in bahasa (translated edition) written here in bahasa.

Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi.
Woah, the cover. Woah, the sequel. Woah, the whole book.
I'm so satisfied!
I started the book with my heart still captivated by Adam (and no, I haven't read Destroy Me) and dude, it was really hard not to fall for Warner. Now I know what you all meant back then. #TeamBoth! :p
For a book which main character I didn't like that much, I ended up really liking Unravel Me. By all means, the ending wasn't what I wanted (because there are many aspects that for me, were still left out hanging), but I think it's perfect for the book. If you have read Shatter Me, don't take much time to read the sequel!

Dare You To by Katie McGarry
Gah, man. This book was intense. Golden boy meets troubled girl. Angst, angst, angst everywhere. I haven't read Pushing the Limits, so I read this with nothing in my mind. I had a hard time liking Beth, actually, with her being super annoying to her (awesome) uncle, crazy mom which chose to stay in an abusive relationship, her push and pull game with Isaiah, but I love the Beth I read when she was with Ryan. I love how being together made them a better person.
“I like you. I. Like. You. I'll admit you're annoying. Sometimes you agitate me to the brink of insanity, but you can throw it back at me like no one else. When you laugh, I want to laugh. When you smile, I want to smile. Hell, I want to be the one to make you smile.” 

Slammed by Colleen Hoover
Gimana rasanya jatuh cinta sama cowok yang ternyata adalah gurumu sendiri di sekolah? Well, well...
Untuk ukuran buku terjemahan, Slammed nggak mengecewakan. Konfliknya sebenernya simpel, tapi ada konflik-konflik tambahan yang bikin ceritanya tetep jalan & menarik. Untungnya Will bukan tipe cowok-cowok YA yang nggak punya pendirian; hanya karena dia jatuh cinta sama Layken, nggak berarti dia pasrah aja dan jadi nggak profesional atau jadi nggak peduli tentang masalah keluarganya sendiri (juga keluarga Layken). Aspek Slams/pertunjukan puisi yang ada di buku termasuk hal baru yang menarik buat saya, jadi itu juga yang nambah poin plus! :)

Eon by Alison Goodman
Covernya bagus yah!
Saya tertarik baca Eon gara-gara rekomendasi beberapa orang di twitter BookClubID. Secara keseluruhan, menarik sih, jalan ceritanya bagus (I found dragons to be really cute hehe) dan dipermanis dengan legenda-legenda naga yang agak kompleks. Tapi terjemahannya enak dibaca. This is one of those book that could sucked you into their world while reading. Minus point-nya, the lack of romance (I knooww, I'm so lame heheh) but if you love fantasy and you prefer reading books that doesn't focus in romance, I'd highly recommend Eon.

Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill
Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill actually has almost all that's a contemporary book needs to be a hit. Setting: London. Characters: nerd girl & popular jock boy. Plot: they're teamed up together in an educational trip in London and the boy wants to make the girl 'loosen up a little'. So he brings her to a party, sneaking out to a downtown London instead of following the initerary... And so on.
Plus point: Everything! It's romance. It's funny. It's light, fun, fluffy and everything happened in London.
Minus point: It's really-really predictable. 
But I wouldn't mind someone like Jason to be my MTB *winks*


  1. Aku pernah dikasih novel sama orang, fantasy gitu...seru, sih, tapi romance-nya dikit. Hampir gak ada. =))

    1. Gue kalo romance nya lempem gitu suka bosen bacanya ul, haha. Kecuali bukunya beneran seru banget sih


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