July 24, 2014

Landline by Rainbow Rowell


ditulis oleh Rainbow Rowell
diterbitkan 8 Juli 2014 oleh St. Martin's Press
Contemporary/Drama/Adult Fiction
310 halaman
buku lain dari penulis: Eleanor & Park, Fangirl, Attachment


Georgie McCool knows her marriage is in trouble. That it’s been in trouble for a long time. She still loves her husband, Neal, and Neal still loves her, deeply — but that almost seems besides the point now.

Maybe that was always besides the point.

Two days before they’re supposed to visit Neal’s family in Omaha for Christmas, Georgie tells Neal that she can’t go. She’s a TV writer, and something’s come up on her show; she has to stay in Los Angeles. She knows that Neal will be upset with her — Neal is always a little upset with Georgie — but she doesn’t expect to him to pack up the kids and go home without her.

When her husband and the kids leave for the airport, Georgie wonders if she’s finally done it. If she’s ruined everything.

That night, Georgie discovers a way to communicate with Neal in the past. It’s not time travel, not exactly, but she feels like she’s been given an opportunity to fix her marriage before it starts . . .

Is that what she’s supposed to do?

Or would Georgie and Neal be better off if their marriage never happened?

“Someone had given Georgie a magic phone and all she'd wanted to do with it is stay up late talking to her old boyfriend. If they'd given her a proper time machine, she probably would have used it to cuddle with him. Let someone else kill Hitler.”

Salah satu dilema terbesar yang dihadapi perempuan dalam usia kerja biasanya adalah memutuskan untuk jadi stay at home mom atau working mom. Banyak perempuan nggak rela untuk sekadar mengurus anak-anak di rumah setelah bertahun-tahun mengejar gelar dari institusi pendidikan tinggi yang susah payah ia raih tanpa merasakan kesempatan memiliki karir yang bagus dan hebat seperti para laki-laki. Buat apa sekolah tinggi-tinggi kalau akhirnya hanya di rumah dan mengurus anak? Lalu ketika ia memutuskan bekerja, pertanyaan selanjutnya adalah tapi yang akan bertanggung jawab pada anak-anak, siapa? Ada pengorbanan yang harus direlakan dari kedua pilihan tersebut, entah kebahagiaan pribadi atau kedekatan dengan keluarga sendiri. Inilah yang dihadapi oleh Georgie McCool dalam Landline, buku terbaru dari Rainbow Rowell.

Liburan natal kali ini, Georgie dan keluarganya sudah berencana untuk pergi ke Omaha, rumah keluarga Neal (suami Georgie) berada. Georgie merasa liburan inilah salah satu cara yang akan dapat memperbaiki hubungan keluarga dan pernikahannya yang belakangan seolah di ujung tanduk. Tapi kemudian sebuah kesempatan besar yang tak bisa disia-siakan dari tempat kerja Georgie datang, dimana ia harus tetap pergi ke kantor untuk menyelesaikan skenario agar bisa dipresentasikan (Georgie bekerja sebagai penulis acara komedi di TV). Ketika memberitahukan hal ini pada Neal, Neal jelas kecewa, dan kemudian memutuskan bahwa Neal bersama kedua anak mereka, Noomi dan Alice, akan tetap pergi meskipun tanpa Georgie. Setelah itu, Neal seolah menjauh. Tak hanya sulit dihubungi, ia pun nggak pernah berusaha menelpon Georgie balik. Georgie yang larut dalam kekecewaan akhirnya memutuskan untuk tinggal sementara di rumah orangtuanya, sambil sesekali berusaha menghubungi Neal melalui telepon tua berwarna kuning yang ada di rumah lama tersebut. Tak disangka, Neal memang akhirnya menjawab telepon dari Georgie, tapi Neal ini bukan Neal suami Georgie yang sekarang, melainkan Neal versi empat belas tahun lalu, beberapa saat sebelum mereka menikah....

Lewat Landline, Rainbow Rowell mengukuhkan sekali lagi kemampuannya untuk menulis suatu kisah yang sangat menyentuh luar biasa melalui hal-hal sederhana. Melalui percakapan antara Georgie yang sekarang dan Neal dari masa lalu, pembaca dibawa hingga ke saat-saat awal pertemuan mereka berdua dulu. Iya, setengah dari Landline adalah flashbacks, dan bagian-bagian itu justru yang menurutku lebih menyenangkan daripada bagian-bagian cerita di masa sekarang. Georgie dan Neal tuh total opposites banget, dengan sifat Georgie yang easygoing sementara Neal orangnya tenang, pendiam, lebih nyaman berkutat dalam dunianya sendiri. Georgie aktif, populer, tipe perempuan yang selalu berani untuk take actions, dan selalu tau apa yang ia mau, beda dengan Neal yang keinginannya cenderung berubah-ubah. It's so lovely to read how these two different people get united in a relationship. Seperti layaknya pasangan-pasangan lain, mereka punya berbagai masalah internal, dari mulai hubungan Georgie yang terlalu dekat dengan partner kerja sekaligus sahabatnya dari dulu, Seth, lalu posisi Georgie yang biasa memegang kendali, hingga rasa bersalah menumpuk yang dirasakan Georgie ketika Neal akhirnya mengalah dengan memutuskan untuk tidak bekerja demi mengurus kedua anak mereka. Hal-hal ini tidak dikomunikasikan dengan baik sampai kemudian Neal dan anak-anak pergi ke Omaha dan Georgie tenggelam dalam asumsi dan rasa bersalah sendirian.

“You don't know when you're twenty-three.
You don't know what it really means to crawl into someone else's life and stay there. You can't see all the ways you're going to get tangled, how you're going to bond skin to skin. How the idea of separating will feel in five years, in ten - in fifteen. When Georgie thought about divorce now, she imagined lying side by side with Neal on two operating tables while a team of doctors tried to unthread their vascular systems.
She didn't know at twenty-three.”

Setelah menghabiskan beberapa kesempatan berbicara dengan Neal versi empat belas tahun lalu melalui sambungan telepon aneh itu, Georgie mulai bertanya-tanya, apakah memang keputusan mereka untuk menikah adalah yang terbaik? Bagaimana bila Georgie bisa membujuk Neal untuk tidak melamarnya pada waktu itu, mungkin saja Neal akan mendapatkan hidup yang lebih layak dan lebih menyenangkan daripada yang mereka alami saat ini? Bisakah hubungan mereka diperbaiki kembali?

Membaca tulisan Rainbow Rowell selalu terasa seperti kejadian tersebut bisa terjadi dalam kehidupan nyata, dan segala percakapannya benar-benar diucapkan oleh orang biasa. Nggak terasa berlebihan sih (just, adorably and irritatingly cheesy hehehe) tapi bener-bener bisa mainin emosi. Halaman-halamannya penuh dengan quotes-quotes yang bisa bikin uaahhhhh, meleleh sendiri. Nangis, Ta? IYA SEMPET NANGIS BANGET. Terus, entah kenapa deh cerita adult fictions karya Rowell pun lebih enak dibaca daripada kisah YA-nya? Neal dan Georgie terasa real, and it pleases me as a reader that despite all of the problems and threats to their marriage, the fact that Georgie and Neal are still very much in love with each other is something that can't be denied. Sepanjang baca Landline aku terus keingetan sama salah satu quote dari buku One Day karya David Nicholls yang diucapkan Emma ke Dexter: "I love you, Dex, so much, I just don't like you anymore."

Yang ini nih. HUHUHU sedih kalo inget endingnya :((

Landline memberi kita pelajaran bahwa dalam sebuah hubungan, komunikasi baik itu sesuatu yang harus dibangun dan diusahakan oleh pihak-pihak yang terlibat. Come to think of it, hal ini berlaku nggak hanya untuk hubungan pernikahan dan keluarga aja, tapi juga hubungan sesama manusia secara general. Kalau kita ketika punya masalah hanya berasumsi, merasa nggak enak, terus dipikirin tapi nggak pernah benar-benar diomongin dan diselesaikan ya masalah akan tetap ada. Rainbow juga kayak lagi ngasih tunjuk 'Nih, yang namanya hubungan sama pasangan, apalagi pernikahan dan punya keluarga bareng itu bukan sesuatu yang gampang. Dikira kalau udah nikah itu cuma senang-senang doang?' Makanya, nggak usah resah-resah lah yang masih single, atau yang nanti pas lebaran diuber-uber dengan pertanyaan 'Udah punya pacar belum? Kapan nikah? Kapan punya anak?' Yak kan pembahasan melebar kemana-mana =)) Selain masalah dalam keluarga inti Georgie dan Neal, Rainbow Rowell juga menyinggung hal-hal minor lain melalui hubungan Georgie dengan orangtua (Beda usia Georgie dan ayah tirinya cuma tiga tahun!) dan adiknya, Heather.

“Nobody's lives just fit together. Fitting together is something you work at. It's something you make happen - because you love each other.”

Untuk pembaca yang sebelumnya udah pernah nyicipin tulisan Rainbow Rowell, Landline ini harus dicoba juga! Terutama buat yang ngerasa Eleanor and Park atau Fangirl terlalu cheesy dan remaja banget. Menurutku pribadi, Landline ini entah gimana lebih enak dibaca dibanding Fangirl. Sementara kalau baca Attachment chick-flicknya kerasa banget, nah Landline agak serius sedikit lah daripada itu. Ada beberapa hal yang agak terasa 'gantung' sih dari Landline ini juga, diantaranya tentang unsur telepon absurd yang bisa time-travel itu dan penyelesaian akhir hubungan Georgie sama Neal (I want it to be muuuuch longer than that! Huhuhuhuhu), terus aku juga sempet skip beberapa bagian waktu Georgie di tempat kerja bareng Seth, borrrrring, tapi secara keseluruhan, membaca Landline buatku sangat-sangat nggak mengecewakan!

Review ini aku sertakan dalam Posting Bareng BBI Juli 2014 dengan tema Teen/Family Issue. :)

Yeay! Akhirnya nulis review lagi! Hihihi
Have fun and read some more, teman-teman,

July 17, 2014

Book Club Indonesia's 1st Readathon

First of all, I wanna say huge thank you to @BookClubID who have kindly invited me to participate in their 1st readathon! I feel quite honored, hehe. This event will be held starting tomorrow, Friday, July 18th until Sunday, July 20th.  Honestly, I have never done this before, simply because I've always been afraid that I could not force myself to actually sit and read and read and read books as much as possible. It's true that my reading time is solely dictated by my mood. But then again, I thought, why not?

So yes, count me in!

To those of you who are reading this and may have questions such as 'What is a readathon?', 'How do I do it?' et all, Nicole has explained this in her announcement post, but I will quote the answers here.

A readathon is simply a reading marathon! Usually, book communities select a few days and dedicate it to as much reading as possible. It can be any book you already have, or there might be a theme around it as well. For Book Club Indonesia's first readathon, we aim to read as much books off of our shelves as possible. That means finally picking up those lonely books that have been sitting on your bookshelves for years, unread and unreached for

What: Within the set three days, you can challenge yourself to as much pages and books you want. There are special challenges that you can participate in, but they aren't prerequisites or anything. They're just fun segments to keep your reading on track! There will also be sprints on our Twitter page, and these are small activities that the whole community can participate in. These sprints have a time limit, say 40 minutes, and within those 40 minutes, we will RT and tweet back everybody who managed to participate in the sprint. The sprints will require you to incorporate the book you've got on hand, so make sure you have that ready!

How: Simply take a book, any book, preferably one that's been collecting dust the longest on your shelves, sit down, and read. Read and read and read for three days, and you can brag to your friends that you've completed a readathon! If you want to participate with the community, however, simply stalk our Twitter or update us through any social media platform you have. On Twitter, please use the hashtag #bcidreadathon, and don't forget to include this when you participate in our Twitter sprints. You don't have to mention us, just be sure to put in the hashtag. That's how we'll be responding to you guys!

Don't you think doing a readathon is another excellent reason to up the number of your Goodreads 2014 Reading Challenge? How's your progress so far, by the way? I started pretty good at the beginning of this year but since the blog kinda went MIA these past weeks MONTHS my reading has been lacking too. It's time to catch up!

As for the challenges for the readathon, there are three of them

Challenge #1: Read a book that is written in another language.

Mangas are fine, but it'd be better if you read a proper book that's written in a foreign language. Let's say you're used to reading English books (like me), give a Bahasa Indonesia book a try! Or any language you can read for that matter.

Challenge #2: Finish a series

Simply as the title says! If you've already read the first book of its series, reading the rest of the books in the series will count as an accomplished challenge. So all you folks who have finished the second book of a trilogy, pick that last book up and give the series a huge 'check'!

Challenge #3: Read an e-book

There are many people who doubt e-books. I love them, so for that I challenge you to read at least one e-book! It can be an e-novella too (hint hint, destroy me, hint hint, READ IT).

My days will be pretty packed up this weekend so I honestly can't promise anything, but I'd like to finish around 4 or 5 books by the end of Sunday night. There are lots of ebook saved up on my e-reader which I haven't even started yet, so I think I'll be doing Challenge #3 (and that automatically means I'm taking on Challenge #1 too since those ebooks are in English).

What books am I planning to read? Let's see. My to-be-read list included Jenny Han's To All the Boys I've Loved Before, Sarah J Mass' Throne of Glass, Fiona Wood's Wildlife, Libba Bray's The Diviners and few other physical books that are still waiting patiently in line to get picked out (Robin Well's Variant and Anne Frank's Diary, to name a few), but there's a big probability that I will ended up reading totally different books from those I have mentioned. I'm quite picky in deciding what to read next ;)

To those of you who are interested, let's do this together! I know to read books on weekend does not really seem unusual for us bookworms (why there, we do this every weekend, hehe) but to know that there are a lot of us who are doing it together and setting a number of goal are what makes it special! You can sign up here or go to Book Club ID's page for further explanation.

By the way if you haven't followed @BookClubID on Twitter, you should! It's one of my favorite accounts on the Twitter bookverse.

Have fun and read some more!

Questions for you: Have you ever participated in a readathon before? How did it go, did you accomplish your goal? If you're gonna take part in BookClubID's readathon tomorrow, tell me what books are you planning to 'eat up' on the weekend! :)