February 27, 2014

Amba, oleh Laksmi Pamuntjak


sebuah novel karya Laksmi Pamuntjak
pertama kali diterbitkan pada Oktober 2012 oleh Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Fiksi Historis/Drama/Sastra Indonesia
496 halaman
[Posting Bareng BBI bulan Februari: Kategori Hisfic Indonesia]


Dalam epik ini, kisah Amba dan Bhisma dalam Mahabharata bertaut (dan bertabrakan) dengan kisah hidup dua orang Indonesia dengan latar kekerasan tahun 1965.

Amba anak sulung seorang guru di Kadipura, Jawa Tengah. Ia meninggalkan kota kecilnya, belajar sastra Inggris di UGM dan bertunangan dengan Salwa Munir, seorang dosen ilmu pendidikan yang mencintainya. Pada suatu hari di Kediri, ia bertemu dengan Bhisma Rashad, seorang dokter muda lulusan Universitas Leipzig yang bekerja di sebuah rumah sakit.

Percintaan mereka yang intens terputus mendadak di tahun 1965, di tengah ketegangan dan kekerasan politik setelah Peristiwa G30S di Kediri dan Yogya.

Bhisma tiba-tiba hilang---ketika Amba hamil.

Beberapa tahun kemudian, setelah Amba menikah dengan seorang peneliti keturunan Jerman, datang kabar bahwa Bhisma meninggal. Ia meninggal di Pulau Buru.

Rupanya selama itu, sejak sebuah bentrokan di Yogya, Bhisma, dijebloskan dalam tahanan di Jawa, dan sejak akhir 1971 dibuang ke pulau itu, bersama 7000 orang yang dituduh 'komunis' oleh pemerintahan Suharto.

Amba, yang tak pernah berhenti mencintainya, datang ke pulau itu dengan ditemani seorang bekas tapol, seorang lelaki Ambon. Ia berhasil menemukan surat-surat Bhisma yang selama bertahun-tahun ditulisnya untuk dia—tetapi tak pernah dikirimkan, hanya disimpan di bawah sebatang pohon.

Dari surat-surat yang selama bertahun-tahun disembunyikan ini terungkap bukan saja kenangan kuat Bhisma tentang Amba, tetapi juga tentang pelbagai peristiwa—yang kejam dan yang mengharukan—dalam kehidupan para tahanan di kamp Pulau Buru.

Ibu Amba yang baik,
Sudah sejak lama saya berkeinginan membaca kisah Ibu, yang telah banyak dipuja-puja berbagai penikmat sastra tanah air sebelumnya. Kisah Ibu punya beberapa elemen penting dari sejarah negeri kita yang selalu membuat saya tertarik: Peristiwa Gerakan 30 September dan Pulau Buru. Ditambah lagi dengan 'selipan' kisah perwayangannya dan penyebutan bahwa Ibu adalah mahasiswa jurusan Sastra Inggris. Namun, baru di awal tahun ini akhirnya saya bisa membacanya, dan jujur saja, saya cukup terhentak meski baru sampai pada beberapa halaman pertama. Ibu mengalami percobaan pembunuhan di sebuah pulau jauh nan asing di sana, Pulau Buru, oleh seorang perempuan asli yang menusuk perut Ibu beberapa kali, namun Ibu malah ingin mencabut tuntutan atas perempuan itu karena Ibu merasa ia tidak bersalah? Aneh sekali, pikir saya. Entah memang hati Ibu begitu mulianya, atau ada hal lain yang tidak saya ketahui.

Ibu Amba yang baik,
Kemudian cerita bergulir ke awal mula, akar dari seluruh peristiwa dalam hidup Ibu. Darimana Ibu berasal (Kadipura), keluarga seperti apa yang membesarkan seorang Amba (Bapak seorang kepala sekolah yang arif, Ibu yang setia, dan dua adik kembar cantik calon-calon kembang desa, Ambika dan Ambalika), pribadi Amba remaja yang jelas kecerdasannya jauh melampaui umur sebenarnya, yang berkeinginan untuk memberontak dari tradisi, dari cerita Wayang yang berada di balik nama 'Amba' sendiri, dan keinginannya untuk studi Sastra Inggris di UGM, Yogya. Hingga ia akhirnya berkenalan dengan Dr Bhisma Rashad, hingga ia akhirnya menyeleweng dari sebuah hubungan yang begitu tulus dan memuliakan pemberian Salwa, hingga akhirnya ia memutuskan lari ke Jakarta, hingga akhirnya Ibu harus membesarkan anak tanpa kehadiran Ayah biologisnya...

Ibu Amba yang baik,
Sejujurnya kalau saya boleh bertanya, dorongan sebesar apa yang membuat Ibu sampai mau menyia-nyiakan cinta seorang Salwani Munir yang sudah sangat cukup? Mungkin bagi kita definisi cukup itu berbeda ya, Bu. Tapi dari apa yang saya baca, bahwa laki-laki yang dipilihkan oleh orangtua Ibu ini adalah seseorang yang berpendidikan, tegas, sayang dan dekat dengan keluarga Ibu, bahkan menganggap mereka sebagai keluarganya sendiri... Salwa juga sudah sangat menghormati posisi Ibu sebagai wanita, ia mencintai dengan tulus dan penuh pengertian, ia bahkan menghargai keinginan Ibu untuk tidak menikah sebelum sarjana, dan akhirnya mau berpisah selama ia tinggal di Surabaya dan Ibu  tetap di Yogya. Tapi kemudian, apa yang Ibu lakukan, di Kediri, Bu? Sungguh, yang seperti Salwani Munir itu pun belum cukup? Di titik ini, jujur, sulit sekali bagi saya untuk bisa bersimpati dengan Ibu. Dorongan sebesar apa yang membuat Ibu bisa memalingkan rasa hingga sebegitu rupa?

Ibu Amba yang baik,
Cinta Ibu pada seorang Bhisma Rashad, bagi saya, adalah cinta yang tidak jelas sebab-musababnya. Mungkin bagi beberapa orang, justru yang seperti itulah cinta sebenarnya, tapi saya sungguh sangat heran, apa yang begitu spesial dari laki-laki ini, Bu? Yang membuat Ibu rela menunggu bertahun-tahun, bahkan berani untuk datang ke Buru setelah berdekade-dekade lamanya tanpa kabar, petunjuk, atau apapun itu. Benar ia sebegitu menariknya, Bu? Apakah karena fisiknya, yang tinggi menjulang, rambutnya yang kecokelatan? Apakah karena profesinya, sebagai dokter, penolong berbagai jiwa manusia? Apakah jalan pikirannya, yang membuatnya banyak memiliki kenalan dan akhirnya terlibat banyak dalam kegiatan golongan kiri, hingga akhirnya ia ikut ditangkap dan diasingkan? Orang bilang bermain-main dengan 'bahaya' memang kadang lebih menyenangkan daripada hidup lempeng-lempeng saja. Saya rasanya hampir tidak pernah menemukan sesuatu yang bisa menjelaskan apa tepatnya yang membuat Ibu begitu jatuh cintanya pada seorang Bhisma Rashad ini, kecuali bahwa ialah sosok yang membuat Ibu 'merasa hidup, sehidup-hidupnya'. Benar sesepele itu? Meskipun ia tidak pernah memperlakukan Ibu sebagai sosok yang spesial, bahkan memperkenalkan pada rekan-rekannya pun nama Ibu disebut begitu saja tanpa embel apa-apa, tapi kebetulan ia membuat Ibu merasa 'hidup', begitu?

Ibu Amba yang baik,
Maafkan kalau saya lancang, tetapi kadang saya pun bertanya-tanya sendiri, apa sebenarnya yang begitu spesial dari seorang Amba, hingga banyak laki-laki dengan mudahnya bisa tertarik pada Ibu? Rasanya mudah sekali bagi Ibu menarik perhatian dan mendapat cinta dari banyak pihak. Salwa, Bhisma, Adalhaerd, lalu Samuel.... Ketika usia Ibu tidak lagi muda, bahkan! Tetap saja!
Laki-laki itu, Bhisma, pernah mengatakan, "Wajahmu mengandung kesedihan sebuah kota," Lalu saya bertanya-tanya, apa kesedihan sebegitu agungnya? Sebegitu memesonakannya-kah ia, bagi yang melihatnya? Apakah mungkin itu jawaban mengapa orang seringkali berlama-lama melibatkan diri di dalamnya, sengaja tak ingin keluar, justru terus bersukarela menggulatkan diri dalam kesedihan itu sendiri, mengulang-ngulang masa yang telah lewat, menanti sesuatu yang tak pasti....

Ibu Amba yang baik,
Kisah Ibu ini, bagaimanapun tidak simpatinya, toh tetap bisa membuat saya kagum pada sosok Ibu. Penantian sekian tahun sungguh merupakan wujud keteguhan hati dan kesabaran tiada batas. Memang wanita kadang golongan yang paling misterius dan sulit dimengerti arah hatinya, ya, Bu. Saya agak kecewa, mungkin karena harapan akan sebuah kisah cinta yang benar menggugah tidak sepenuhnya terwujud. Dari sisi historicalpun, rasanya tidak banyak perspektif baru yang bisa didapat, terutama mengenai peristiwa Gerakan 30 September (padahal kisah ini punya potensi untuk menawarkan sudut pandang lain, sudut pandang sebenarnya dari pihak kiri). Untuk kejelasan tentang suasana di pengasingan Pulau Buru, jujur belum saya baca lebih lanjut, sehingga saya belum bisa berkomentar akan itu. Bisa jadi ekspektasi saya memang berlebih. Namun tetap, kisah ini sangat menarik untuk diikuti, penuh dengan rangkaian diksi yang kaya dan cukup membuai dengan kecantikannya, memaksa setiap pembaca untuk menaruh perhatian penuh dan menikmati dunia seorang 'Amba'. Bila harus dibandingkan dengan Pulang karya Laila S. Chudori, sebuah novel yang juga menyinggung peristiwa 1965, Pulang entah kenapa terasa lebih 'pop', dan lebih mudah dimengerti, namun kisah Ibu, tanpa ragu, punya daya tariknya sendiri. Terimakasih telah membuat kepercayaan Saya terhadap fiksi lokal bangkit kembali. Setelah sekian lama, akhirnya saya baca lagi satu karya berkualitas tinggi ciptaan penulis dalam negeri, dan dengan senang hati saya bisa katakan bahwa saya tidak menyesal.

Ibu Amba yang baik,
Kini sudah tiga tahun berlalu semenjak kisah Ibu selesai. Senang rasanya dapat mengenal Ibu, meskipun hanya melalui lembaran-lambaran kertas. Dimanapun Ibu kini berada dan bagaimanapun kondisinya, saya harap, kehidupan selalu menemukan Ibu dalam keadaan baik.

Penuh salam hormat dari Saya (yang juga seorang mahasiswi Sastra Inggris, mungkin lain kali kita bisa saling berdiskusi tentang berbagai puisi dan literatur menarik kesukaan kita ya Bu ;)),

February 26, 2014

On My Wishlist — Hujan Bulan Juni, Love and Misadventure, I Wrote This For You


aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana:
dengan kata yang tak sempat diucapkan
kayu kepada api yang menjadikannya abu

aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana:
dengan isyarat yang tak sempat disampaikan
awan kepada hujan yang menjadikannya tiada

Sapardi Djoko Damono, 1989

Hujan Bulan Juni, kumpulan sajak karya Sapardi Djoko Damono, dicetak ulang oleh Gramedia Pustaka Utama pada bulan Juni 2013.
Bisa dibeli melalui Pengenbuku.net

Sapardi Djoko Damono, mungkin selamanya, akan jadi penyair dari dalam negeri favorit aku! Sejak pertama kali baca puisi Aku Ingin (seperti yang dikutip di atas) sampai sekarang, untaian kata Beliau nggak pernah nggak berhasil bikin jatuh cinta :) Makanya seneng banget waktu tau buku ini dicetak ulang dengan cover yang sangat cantik. Selain itu, rencananya juga ingin baca ini untuk Posting Bareng BBI tema Puisi bulan Maret!

“What was it like to love him? Asked Gratitude.
It was like being exhumed, I answered, and brought to life in a flash of brilliance.

What was it like to be loved in return? Asked Joy.
It was like being seen after a perpetual darkness, I replied. To be heard after a lifetime of silence.

What was it like to lose him? Asked Sorrow. There was a long pause before I responded:

It was like hearing every goodbye ever said to me—said all at once.”

Love and Misadventure karya Lang Leav, diterbitkan oleh Andrews McMeel Publishing pada bulan September 2013. Pemenang kedua dari 2013 Goodreads Choice Award for Best Poetry.

Pertama kali tau tentang Love and Misadventure ini sewaktu lagi cari-cari bahan bacaan untuk bulan Februari. Dari beberapa sampel yang banyak bertebaran di Goodreads dan Tumblr, puisi-puisinya bikin tertarik banget. Selain itu, tentu aja embel-embel nominasi Goodreads Choice Award (dan juara kedua) bikin penasaran sama buku ini.

“There are only so many of us born at a time and we are thrown into the world to find each other, to find the other ones who don't think you're strange, who understand your jokes, your smile, the way you talk.

There are only so many of us born at a time and we only have so long to find each other before we die.

But we have to try.”

I Wrote this For You karya anonim (pleasefindme), diterbitkan oleh Central Avenue Publishing pada September 2011.

I Wrote this For You berawal dari kumpulan tulisan-tulisan di blog yang kemudian dibukukan. Kata-katanya simpel, tidak menggunakan banyak prosa-prosa puitis, tapi buatku ngena banget. Udah lama sekali kepengen punya buku ini, sayangnya  I Wrote this For You sepertinya lumayan susah dicari :( 


On My Wishlist adalah feature yang sifatnya sporadic di IPR, berisi buku-buku yang ada di wishlist aku. Ketiga buku di atas kali ini bukan novel, melainkan kumpulan puisi yang kemudian dibukukan. Adakah yang udah pernah baca salah satu (atau bahkan ketiga)nya? :D

PS: Post ini aku submit ke dalam meme rutin Mbak Astrid dari Books to Share, Wishful Wednesday dalam rangka giveaway 2 tahun WW. [Dari ketiga buku tersebut, hanya satu yang memenuhi ketentuan, yakni Hujan Bulan Juni, jadi hanya itu yang aku cantumkan link untuk buy online-nya]. Selamat dua tahunan, WW! <3

February 20, 2014

Finding time to read (and blog)

So, my second term at college had begun last week and this semester I'll be having 8 to 4 schedule everyday, just like every school students and workers out there, right? Fantastic! (NO). This is not going to be a whine post, don't you worry, but as I'm trying to keep my goal (or self-promise) in updating this blog at least 5 times a month, I've been wondering about this question a lot:

I know that there are lots of you, my book blogging friends, who's currently still in school, or work at a company, or a college student like me. Between the hours you spend doing the 7 to 3, 8 to 4, or 9 to 5 routine (not to mention the LOADS of home assignments you have to do, or extra works that you have to bring home, which I know must takes A LOT of time), hanging out socializing with friends and family, having to take care of your home (your own room, your family matters, your husband, or kids, even?), how do you find time for reading? And blogging! I'm always amazed at those who seems to be able to blog consistently AND regularly, no matter what happens in their real life! I know lots of you who do. Over 20 posts every month, maybe even 2 or 3 posts in a day... I mean, WOW. It must required a lot of self-discipline (another thing that I lack of, that is!). How do you do it?

In high school, I usually read in the bus that I took every morning and evening. The ride was about an hour (two hours, top) and in that 60 minutes timespan, between dozing off, catching up with sleep or daydreaming in the seat (that is IF I got a seat!), I could read quite lot of pages peacefully. But now since I'm using commuter trains to go to university, and the probability of getting a seat in the train seems much more impossible than seeing a unicorn (I swear, the trains & commuters in Indonesia are the WORST), well, no reading time for me. I rarely read between classes too, because I won't be able to concentrate enough and always seems to be in conversation with my friends, so I usually finish a book at night. When it should be preserved for SLEEPING instead of reading. I will stay up late, sometimes even until 3 or 4 am, and then get up at 5 to get ready again, coming to classes with a zombie-like brain and face, guaranteed.

What about YOU? 
How's your day to day routine? 
When do you usually read? 
Can you read between classes? Do you like to sneak time to read a few pages at work when your boss isn't around? *grins* 
At what time do you prefer to catch up with your books? Are you a day reader, or a night reader like me? Or are you that kind of reader, who have no problem in reading anywhere, anytime, in any situation?

I want to know your secret! It took me quite a long time to write one post, usually about an hour or so, and after a long day, sometimes just thinking about it already put me in a mini stress before I even sit in front of the screen (ha!). This is why I failed big time in updating IPR last year, with me still trying to adapt into a new situation (college life! hullooooo), I simply did not have that much time to write. Even when I have time, I usually felt too tired to make a proper post :|

Since the beginning of the year, I've been learning to schedule my posts ahead of time (mostly two days before the 'publish date') to keep up. It's good because I get to post RIGHT after I finish a book, so my reactions, opinions, and thoughts about the book are still fresh, and I found it easier to review a book that way (instead of having to remember what I think about a book that I've read some days before). That's when I was on a holiday, by the way. Now since college has started again, I think I'll rely heavily on my red notebook (thank you, Santa!) to write my initial reactions after I finish a story, and then I'll write a full, proper review later when I find enough time (read: weekend). Apparently having a blogging note helps A LOT! :D

So what's YOUR secret in updating your blog regularly? 
How many updates do you usually post in a month? How much do you think is the ideal number for a blog to update (either with reviews, memes, discussions) to keep you interested in coming and checking the blog regularly? 20-30 posts a month? 5 times a week? 
Or are you the one who actually don't really care about how many times a blog post their contents? 
Are you the kind of blogger who schedule posts ahead of time, OR are you the kind who publish a post instantly after you write it? 
How do you keep up when you're having a reviewer's block or reading slump?

I am sorry if I sound somewhat annoying for asking TOO many questions but truth to be honest, I truly want to know! I like knowing how other people do it, finding balance between blogging and living your real life. Any tips and tricks to keep up with updating a blog regularly will be greatly appreciated! 
*If you're currently having the same problem like me, well... ((HIGH FIVE!)) I know I'm not alone in this, right :P Let's think of the best solution to this problem together!

February 17, 2014

The Duke and I by Julia Quinn

by Julia Quinn
published on June 27th 2006 by Avon
Adult Fiction/Historical/Regency Romance
first book of Bridgerton series
371 pages


Can there be any greater challenge to London's Ambitious Mamas than an unmarried duke?
— Lady Whistledown's Society Papers, April 1813

By all accounts, Simon Basset is on the verge of proposing to his best friend's sister, the lovely—and almost-on-the-shelf—Daphne Bridgerton. But the two of them know the truth—it's all an elaborate plan to keep Simon free from marriage-minded society mothers. And as for Daphne, surely she will attract some worthy suitors now that it seems a duke has declared her desirable.

But as Daphne waltzes across ballroom after ballroom with Simon, it's hard to remember that their courtship is a complete sham. Maybe it's his devilish smile, certainly it's the way his eyes seem to burn every time he looks at her... But somehow Daphne is falling for the dashing duke... For real! And now she must do the impossible and convince the handsome rogue that their clever little scheme deserves a slight alteration, and that nothing makes quite as much sense as falling in love...

“There were rules among friends, commandments, really, and the most important one was Thou Shalt Not Lust After Thy Friend's Sister.”

Since it's February, and I've been wanting to venture out of my usual contemporary YA reads, what about historical romance? I thought. I'm in the mood to try something different. After browsing through some of top recommended historical romance books, my choice finally fell on this one. The Duke and I by Julia Quinn is a historical romance, and many people categorize this as Regency Romance (I still need a lot to understand about things like these; regency romance, victorian romance, etc). So what does Tirta say about her first experience on this one? Well I enjoyed it helluva LOT! :D

My first reaction toward the first pages of The Duke and I was how I love the regency era feels! There's always a party at someone's place, and it's usually where our hero and heroine meet. After learning bits and facts about the Bridgerton family, I quickly found myself to like them a great deal (Hey, they named the children according to the alphabets! So the first kid is Anthony, second is Benedict, third is Colin, followed by Daphne, Eloise, and so on...). They were a lovely family, Mrs Bridgerton a charming mother for her children and the brothers are very protective toward Daphne, our heroine.

Sadly, the lovely family situation does not apply to Simon, the duke. He had a morose childhood, which resulted in him refusing the idea to marry and have children for his own future (Oh how I love to read a story which features a tortured soul!). Simon grown to be a very fine man, though, not only because he'll have the title Duke of Hastings, but also because his wonderful figure, smart mind, and this mysterious aura surrounding him that somehow makes him to be even more interesting, according to most female in the society. This issue about Simon would later bring readers to some painful, heartbreaking moments, and there were also parts that were kinda uncomfortable to read (especially the scene before Simon escaped... Ick). I love how Daphne could be someone who dares to confront Simon to fight the issue instead of letting it win and control his life forever, although there were moments where Daphne's actions seems what-the-hell-ish, too.

And surprise, surprise, The Duke and I was so FUNNY! I laughed a lot when reading this book. It's more like, silly-funny, there were moments where it's supposed to be serious and angst-filled but I found myself giggling instead (don't know... maybe it's just me), but this aspect was very welcomed, of course. Made the whole story a bit lighter and bearable from all the heartbreaking parts of Simon's issue. Not to mention because it's a ROMANCE book, there were lots of swoon-worthy moments that made me squee! XD

As his hands moved to his trousers, he saw that she was pulling the bedsheets over her. 
"Don't," he said, barely recognizing his own voice. 
Her eyes met his, and he said, "I'll be your blanket".

I'm so curious about Lady Whistledown, the gossip collumnist's identity, though! Knowing that this book is the first part of Bridgerton series, I found myself asking if there will ever be a moment of revealance about her in the later books because I would REALLY LIKE to know who it is! The bits of her columns in front of every chapters was somehow a nice touch. Will I read other books from the series? I'm not sure. I liked the first book so much, and I want to, but I think I won't read it in order (not that interested in Anthony or Benedict... sorry-not-sorry). I'll probably skip the next two books and hop onto Colin's story, Romancing Mr Bridgerton instead. Will I read other books from the historical romance category? Well I definitely will! I'm so glad that I finally did TRY, and while I'm still in the mood, I'd like to read other wonderful titles out there too :D

For further reading: Danielle  and Stacia also like the book a lot (From Goodreads)

Are you a reader of historical romance, or have you ever thought about venturing into this genre? Have you read The Duke and I? What do you think of it? Have any book recommendation with similar theme like this one for me? Do not hesitate to share and leave a comment!

Have fun and read some more,

February 15, 2014

You Had Me at Hello by Mhairi McFarlene

a debut book by Mhairi McFarlene
published on November 8th 2012 by Avon
Adult Fiction/UK Fiction/Contemporary Romance
436 pages


What happens when the one that got away comes back?

Rachel and Ben. Ben and Rachel. It was them against the world. Until it all fell apart.

It’s been a decade since they last spoke, but when Rachel bumps into Ben one rainy day, the years melt away.

From the moment they met they’d been a gang of two; partners in crime and the best of friends. But life has moved on. Ben is married. Rachel is definitely not. In fact, the men in her life make her want to take holy orders…

Yet in that split second, Rachel feels the old friendship return. And along with it, the broken heart she’s never been able to mend.

If you love David Nicholls and Lisa Jewell, then this is the book for you. Hilarious, heartbreaking and everything in between, you’ll be hooked from their first ‘hello’.

“Isn't it weird how we make big decisions in life based on the strangest, most random things?”

I have to express my appreciation toward You Had Me at Hello's cover first. Really, this kind of cover is the one that would really draw me in. First, it has a title that (no matter how much you try to ignore 'the ring') reminds you of that Jerry Maguire movie. Right? RIGHT? Second, the tagline: What happens when the one who got away comes back? Well, hello, Katy Perry, that line totally won me over! Also, the handwritten type of font, the colors, everything in the cover blends beautifully, and I don't know about you, but to me, that cover is totally lovely!

A tale about two bestfriends who fall in love is a premise that WILL NEVER get old. We ALL love this kind of story, no matter how cliche it sounds. Ben and Rachel are bestfriends. They hit it off since their freshman year at college, spending so much time together to finally find comfort in each other. I love their friendship! The attraction is definitely palpable (It's always the people around them who notice it first before themselves, right?), definitely. Problem is, Rachel already has a boyfriend and Ben always has a line of girlfriends that constantly changes all the time. Do they really have feelings for each other or is it just one of them?

10 years later, these two people meet again after a decade of silent. Rachel is freshly out of her engagement with Rhys (the boyfriend whom she dated for 13 years... talk about 'WOW'), BUT unfortunately, Ben is already married *sad faceee* He just recently came back to Manchester to build a life in his hometown. Complications, misunderstanding, complications, miscommunication. Along with the story, we also get some answers in the form of flashbacks to reveal what actually happened between Rachel and Ben in the past. (('The moment', albeit not surprising, is my favorite scene in the book. It's touching and honest, actually made me teary-eyed for a while.))

But what I actually like about You Had Me at Hello is the small details; supporting details of the story. Rachel's job, for example. She works as a crime reporter, and parts of the book also talked about the (complicated) life of it. The whole fiasco with Zoe and Simon is pretty entertaining (ANNOYING, though), a side 'meal' to complete the whole. Also, Rachel's bestfriends! Every one of them, with their different personality, adds some 'spices' into the story. They're quirky, fun, sometimes silly, but seems so lovely to hang out with. And then, I don't know, the Brit factor? While reading the book I was constantly reminded of Jojo Moyes' Me Before You (another UK adult fiction that I REALLY love), and it made me think that UK fiction has some 'characteristics' that made reading them feels 'different' somehow. I don't really know how to explain this, but this one was a quite a factor for me to like the book.

“It's pathetic, I knew I did from that first moment we met. It was... Not love at first sight exactly, but — familiarity. Like: Oh, hello, it's you. It's going to be you. Game over.”

Overall, if I have to compare this one to other 'bestfriends turned lovers' that I have read (Cecelia Ahern's Where Rainbow Ends/Love Rosie, Robyn Sysman's Just Friends, or Jessica Thompson's This is a Love Story, for example), I definitely find You Had Me at Hello a bit better than all of them. McFarlene got the perfect wit to go with this kind of 'rom-com'; the writing is engaging, there's humour, lots of swoon-worthy moments, laughs, but still realistic and relatable somehow — at times I found myself reflecting to what was written in the paragraphs. With just the right amount of lovey-dovey romance, it's such a perfect read for this Valentine-y days of February ;)

Read what other readers said about this book on Goodreads: Namratha Kumar | Keertana | Rachna R

What are you reading this February to get you in the lovey-dovey mood? Any romance or similar books like You Had Me at Hello that you love? What's YOUR favorite 'bestfriends turned to lovers' story (or MOVIES, even?) Do tell, I'd love it so much if you're willing to share with me! :D

Have fun and read some more,

February 11, 2014

Do You Read Manga?

According to Wikipedia, "Manga" as a term used outside Japan refers specifically to comics originally published in Japan.

It actually saddens me that some readers do not consider mangas as real books. I mean, mangas are wonderful! They have stories, and they have pictures too! (RIGHT) I never review a manga except to give it three-five lines of comments, but actually, YES, I've been a manga reader for a VERY long time. I think my fondness of these Japan comics started at the same time I started reading and loving books. Doraemon and Crayon Sinchan were my favorites as a toddler! Middle grade Tirta pretty much read any mangas that attracted her eyes, and she also regularly bought Hanalala & Nakayoshi (comic magazine...?) every month.

Now, several years later, I do not read mangas as much as I used to, but I still have some absolute favorites mangakas (authors) whose works I always read whenever it's out in bookstores. I don't want to miss even a single one.

Usami Maki writes the most adorable school romance mangas, ever! Her works are always cute and fluffy, the drawings are simple and clean with not so much details. I always love how she dresses and plays with her female characters' hair. My favorites from Usami Maki are Haruyuki Bus (Bus for Spring) and Kokoro Botan (Love Button) :3

Kaoru Mori won me over with only one series: Emma! It's a story set in victorian regency era, where a maid named Emma fell in love with William, a gentleman from the upper class. Kaoru Mori's magnificent drawing style is rich with exquisite details but also clean at the same time. The lines are soft and quite unique, different from other mangakas.

This shouldn't be a secret. Everybody loves Miiko! Ono Eriko is famous for her Hai, Miiko! series. I grew up with Miiko. I've read the stories of Miiko's life since I was younger than her, and now I'm already 18 and Miiko is still in the 5th grade. Ha ha. It's a super HILARIOUS series about the everyday life of Yamada Miiko, with her family and friends. The big head and big mouth of the characters are Ono Eriko's trademark. I was a sad panda because I couldn't come to Ono Eriko's meet & greet fan event in Jakarta last year :( But then she wrote about it (the event) in the latest installment, volume #26, yay!

Hanalala (Indonesia's version of LaLa) introduces me to Matsuri Hino's works. I'm ADDICTED to her works! Not only her drawing style are rich (but it's a different kind of 'rich' than Kaoru Mori) and detailed (especially in eyes, hair, and clothes), but the plot of her stories are always good! Her skill is amazing. She writes about romance and dares to tackle different topics such as pirate & vampire story. My favorites: Vampire Knight, Wanted, Merupuri.

Other than the 4 mangakas I've mentioned above, I also love these three with their particular works:

With her Goong! series. It's a very famous series (manhwa) from Korea that has been made into a tv drama called Princess Hours (2006). Though I don't really fancy her drawings, Park So Hee can draw clothes and rooms (Korean traditional clothes as well as common wear, and Korean palace interiors with all the details) wonderfully. Goong also has a quite solid plot.

With his Ingenuo. It's actually from Taiwan; the story about Ding Jiayu who's interested in photography. She pretends to be a guy in order to join Yangzhao's team (which apparently, refuses to hire a woman in their team). It's funny, lovely, and the romance is so swoooooony :3 Ryan's drawing is so 80-ish, in my opinion.

With his Yotsuba&, a series about the daily life of Yotsuba, a five year old (super adorable) girl who lives with his Dad. It's so fresh and funny! Yotsuba is still a little girl with huge curiosity and lots of questions about life. Not so much plot, but the drawings are totally lovely! A perfect cure for when you're bored, tired, or when you need something refreshing.

So! Do you read mangas, too? What's your favorites? Have any recommendation for me to read? I'll be very happy if you're willing to share with me! :D

Have fun and read some more,

February 09, 2014

Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi

Ignite Me

by Tahereh Mafi
published on February 4th, 2014 by HarperCollins
Young Adult/Dystopia/Romance
Last book of Shatter Me  series
416 pages


The heart-stopping conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Shatter Me series, which Ransom Riggs, bestselling author of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, called "a thrilling, high-stakes saga of self-discovery and forbidden love"

Juliette now knows she may be the only one who can stop the Reestablishment. But to take them down, she'll need the help of the one person she never thought she could trust: Warner. And as they work together, Juliette will discover that everything she thought she knew-about Warner, her abilities, and even Adam-was wrong.

In Shatter Me, Tahereh Mafi created a captivating and original story that combined the best of dystopian and paranormal and was praised by Publishers Weekly as "a gripping read from an author who's not afraid to take risks." The sequel, Unravel Me, blew readers away with heart-racing twists and turns, and New York Times bestselling author Kami Garcia said it was "dangerous, sexy, romantic, and intense." Now this final book brings the series to a shocking and climactic end.

First of all, how much Juliette's character has changed SHOCKED me. It's a big surprise, really. She went from this super insecure girl who always view herself as unworthy, a danger to everyone else because of her power, constantly keeping people away (I really dislike her old character, to be honest, with all those crossed words, weeping, self-hating, remember? And if it wasn't for the beautiful prose or the BOYS, I might have neglected this series long time ago), to this new girl who has realized how precious and powerful her ability is. This new Juliette Ferrars is BRAVE, she doesn't hesitate anymore to do what she thinks right, and most importantly, she's very determined. Now she knows what she wants, and she'll kick anyone who dares to stand in her way. There's no stopping her. YAY.

"I don't know how to be sad when all I feel is an unrelenting determination to do something.
I am no longer afraid of fear, and I will not let it rule me.
Fear will learn to fear me."

Secondly, Kenji! Really, this guy's one of the best things in Ignite Me. He's the true light of the story! To read all of his moments and conversations with Juliette really warmed my heart. He's utterly awesome for being SUPERfunny, genuine, and very supportive toward his bestfriends. It isn't easy being stuck in the middle of all the dramas and angsty times, but Kenji strictly knows where he should stand. No bullshit here. I would be ecstatic to have a guy bestfriend like him! A message to Tahereh Mafi: Please tell us where we can order and have this human being delivered to us instantly. Also, this guy deserves his own story. Pls, thx and kbye.

“I am going to MURDER YOU—”
“No,” he says, pointing at me as he shifts backward again. “Bad Juliette. You don’t like to kill people, remember? You’re against that, remember? You like to talk about feelings and rainbows—”

“Can you, like, see invisible people, too?"
"No," Warner says to him, eyes focused in front of him. "I can feel your presence. Hers, most of all."
"Really?" Kenji says. "That's some weird shit. What do I feel like? Peanut butter?"

“Are you out of your goddamn mind? You think we can take on two hundred soldiers? I know I am an extremely attractive man, J, but I am not Bruce Lee.”
“Who’s Bruce Lee?”
“Who’s Bruce Lee?” Kenji asks, horrified. “Oh my God. We can’t even be friends anymore.”
“Why? Was he a friend of yours?”
“You know what,” he says, “Just stop. Just—I can’t even talk to you right now.”

There aren't so many things happening in Ignite Me, though. Most of the time it's persuasing, planning, discussing, strategizing, practicing their powers, and all. Their goal is to bring down The Reetablishment, and to kill Anderson, of course. But even with all of these 'preparations', I feel like the dystopian aspect isn't the focus of the story, anymore. From all the build up, we expected that there's gonna be an epic battle, or a tough fight, at least. In reality, it seems like the resolution happened too easily, too rushed, with not so much resistence from the other party. Minimum explaining on Anderson's part is also kind of a problem. I mean, I won't mind to know a little backstory, actually. About what makes him such a horrible person, the reason that he is the way he is, and all that, but there's none of that. Actually, I can say that this applies to almost all characters, even our Juliette herself. Have you ever asked, like, what about her family? How could they abandoned Juliette just like that? Where did all these powers came from? How did it start? Lots of questions don't get answered. And there are SO MUCH thread left hanging on the edge. This is quite disappointing, but wellllll, I do not mind very much because it means most of the focus is centered around....

The romance.
NYAAAAAAAH, the romance.
I'm trying so hard to restrain myself right now because

You have to understand that I'm not a person who can easily change #team, if you know what I mean, but then Tahereh Mafi successfully did it *kicks self* While one boy cannot stop being annoying (and kinda clear somehow that Tahereh is TRYING to make us dislike this one person... Just my two cents), the other boy continues being utterly awesome and totally desirable. Oh, and while we're at this, I want to say that I'm also kinda surprised by the amount of STEAMINESS in Ignite Me. NGGGGGH. It's hot. Mmmmm, too hot, even. Is this still categorized as a young adult book? I asked myself. Ha. Beware of the fifty-ish chapters, that's what I'm saying! There are LOTS of sexytimes that will make you squirm in your seat and make your face goes red from all the blushes. It's hard, but try to control your face when you read Ignite Me in public.

Lastly, which makes the whole series from Tahereh Mafi most awesome is the amount of FEELS it will expose you to. I cry, I feel mad, I'm embarassed, I LAUGHED, I giggle uncontrollably, I blush, I'm angry, I want to fight, I want to hug Juliette, I want to lie on the rooftop with Kenji and talk to him all night, I want to tease James, I long for Warner, I.... Ugh, I just can't. ALL the emotional levels! Ignite Me is a quite satisfying series-ender, and though not without some imperfections, Tahereh Mafi has managed to give us a good closure (Though I won't mind if there's ever gonna be another book from this world) which makes me a very happy reader! :)

A treat for you all, behold the beautiful proses, Tahereh Mafi's style:

“Words, I think, are such unpredictable creatures.
No gun, no sword, no army or king will ever be more powerful than a sentence. Swords may cut and kill, but words will stab and stay, burying themselves in our bones to become corpses we carry into the future, all the time digging and failing to rip their skeletons from our flesh.”

“This isn't about Adam or Warner," I tell him, "This is about me and what I want. This is about me finally understanding where I want to be in ten years. Because I'm going to be alive, Kenji. I will be alive in ten years, and I'm going to be happy. I'm going to be strong. And I don't need anyone to tell me that anymore. 
I am enough, and I always will be.”

“He and I would end up like water going nowhere. Water that never moves-- It's fine for a little while. You can drink from it and it'll sustain you. But if it sits too long it goes bad. It grows stale. It becomes toxic. 

I need waves. I need waterfalls. I want rushing currents.”

“Hey--jazz hands!" Kenji barks. "Get your ass back over here." He makes it a point to look as irritated as possible. "Back to work. And this time, focus. You're not an ape. Don't just throw your shit everywhere.”

Read what other readers think about Ignite Me: Kai from Amaterasu Reads | Mimi Valentine on Goodreads

Have you read Ignite Me? Have you read SHATTER ME, even? (Because, if you haven't, really, what kind of planet do you live in?!) WHAT DO YOU THINK? Any book similar to this one that you think I have to read next? Do not hesitate to share with me! And as always,
have fun and read some more 

February 06, 2014

The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken

by Alexandra Bracken
published on December 18th 2012 by Disney Hyperion
Young Adult/Dystopia/Science Fiction/Romance
part of The Darkest Minds series (book #1)
488 pages


When Ruby woke up on her tenth birthday, something about her had changed. Something alarming enough to make her parents lock her in the garage and call the police. Something that gets her sent to Thurmond, a brutal government "rehabilitation camp." She might have survived the mysterious disease that's killed most of America's children, but she and the others have emerged with something far worse: frightening abilities they cannot control.

Now sixteen, Ruby is one of the dangerous ones.

When the truth comes out, Ruby barely escapes Thurmond with her life. Now she's on the run, desperate to find the one safe haven left for kids like her-East River. She joins a group of kids who escaped their own camp. Liam, their brave leader, is falling hard for Ruby. But no matter how much she aches for him, Ruby can't risk getting close. Not after what happened to her parents.

When they arrive at East River, nothing is as it seems, least of all its mysterious leader. But there are other forces at work, people who will stop at nothing to use Ruby in their fight against the government. Ruby will be faced with a terrible choice, one that may mean giving up her only chance at a life worth living.

“The Darkest Minds tend to hide behind the most unlikely faces.”

Here's what really happened.
Me, at the opening pages of The Darkest Minds:

Me, at the last pages of The Darkest Minds:

Basically, I was a mess. I read the synopsis before I read the book but at those opening pages, I felt like nothing make sense. I couldn't remember the colors or what they meant; Green what? Blue what? Red what? All I know was this 'desease' that made little kids being put into horrible 'rehabilitation' camps where they're forced to do *things*. Ruby managed to escape from her camp (called Thurmond) by the help of someone that I cannot even remember the name.

Skip to dozen pages later, Ruby was on the run, with 3 people she met (can't remember how they met, really) on the way. They travelled with a Black Betty, and their goal was to reach the East River to seek help from a figure named Slip Kid. From this point on, I started to understand the basics of it. Weird, really. Like reading a book written by two different authors. The first half was confusing, words jumbled out without a clear picture, I was having a hard time to comprehend it all. But after you go through 100-150 pages of it, the fun finally came. The slow pace may be unbearable for some, but all in all, The Darkest Minds was quite a strong series-starter. It has action, suspense, good humor, romance, friendship, kids with special powers...

The kids in The Darkest Minds were treated badly for things that out of their control. These children didn't understand where their ability came out of, or how to handle the thing, but they're being punished when they accidentally used it. The guilt of unintentionally causing harms to other people and the pain from being separated with their family also sucked, big time. The situation was horrible.

On the way, things definitely weren't easier. They struggled to escape from the authorities that kept chasing them, and at the same time they started to form a strong bond, trying to help each other and survive. We got to know more about Ruby and her companions. Liam, their brave telekinetic leader. Chubs, the brilliant mean boy. Zu, the silent electricity manipulator. Ruby herself was an Orange, which meant she could control people's minds, but she kept this fact hidden to keep other people from herself. Things that happened to them, eventually, brought them closer.

By this point, I was getting attached. Their friendship didn't start easily, with the basic of things like trust and honesty missing, but it was lovely to read the whole dynamics. These 4 teens really invigorate each other eventhough they have their own story, their own weaknesses and strength. Not to mention the relationship between Ruby and Liam which started to bloom. It was no insta-love, really, so plus point for it. They were truly adorable together. Their romance is not even the most important part of the book, but it was what got me hooked for realz. I LOVE LIAM! He's such a good leader, always trying to be optimistic and to do the right things. He had this *ability* to say the most awesome or the most swoon worthy things ever.

"Let's carpe the hell out of this diem."

“Ruby, give me one reason why we can’t be together, and I’ll give you a hundred why we can. We can go anywhere you want. I’m not your parents. I’m not going to abandon you or send you away, not ever.”

“Cause, frankly, the way I see it, you and me? Inevitable.”

(Believe me, there are more than those three)

The thing that BLEW ME AWAY and officialy sealed my 4 stars for this book, however, was the ending. My, oh, my. Someone really ought to tell me about the ending, really. It was OUT of my mind. I mean, HOW DARE YOU, MRS BRACKEN? I was horribly shocked, gutted, and saddened by Ruby's action, but then I remembered that it's only the first book. I need to read Never Fade, like, omg, RIGHT NOW.

Need more to convince you? Read these reviews of The Darkest Minds by: Serena Smiles | Kristy from Book Nerd

Have you read this series yet? What do you think of it? Got any recommendation that is similar to this one? Share it with me! I'll always love to read your thoughts and opinions.
Don't forget to have fun and read some more! ;)